Monday 14 March 2011

Location of final draft

These images show the location of our final draft film.
Although many people will just see this style of location as a boring and lifeless one they are key to the Iconography of our film. The gritty Industrial estate is a classic and iconic location in many Crime (Gangster) films.
They are inside my school and so is easy accessible, all we need is a teachers consent for us to us the area privately.


This is the vehicle we are going to use. it is a teachers van and another teachers consent is going to be needed. we will use this as entrance vehicle for the gag who are coming to kill the contractor and his guards. we will use a still shot of the gang bursting out of the back of the van then reversing off  (Bruce or Mr martin will drive the van)  

Brief description of final draft

Two men (Me and Ellis Sneil) have taken a man hostage in an Industrial building and are waiting to meet their new contractor (jack Barber). There is a great deal of tension as they are unsure if they can trust the man they are supposed to be meeting. The Hostage is tied up on a chair, central to the room. He has no escape. Soon after the contact arrives and the men begin to question him. The man 'Jack' is carrying a bag of money. Which through a series of flashbacks we find out, is stolen. This soon leads to confrontation and an attack on the Two men. Jack manages to escape and the men pursue. It turns out to be a setup and a group of thugs begin attacking their position.  

Peer evaluation of first draft film.

We recently showed our first draft of our film (last man standing) to a group of friends and selected teachers. We received mixed comments however most were negative. There were certain parts of the film that people really liked, for example, certain camera shots and action sequences. But we received lots of criticism on a lot of things. Mise en Scene was a big problem for us as we had not put our research together properly and had used the wrong type of location for our genre. We hadn't payed enough attention to our audience research. We also received some harsh criticism on certain actors and their un-convincing performance. We have however taken alot of the major mistakes under reconsideration. In the final copy of our film we hope that we can deliver an excellent viewing experience to anyone watching.
Because of the constructive criticism we have decided to pay extra attention the the Mise en scene, as the acting was poor in our first draft. We will plan our final draft in detail. covering each point and each shot so nothing can go wrong.